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Wildlife Trapping & Relocation
TitleTown Pest Pros
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday
Office: (920)-422-7378
Bed Bugs: (920)-609-9801
24 Hour Emergency Service Available
Pest Control Special
SAVE 20%
(General Bug or Rodent Initial Treatment)
*first time customers only*
Pest Control Special
SAVE 40%
(Any Annual Service Agreement)
*Initial Visit Only*
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Wildlife Control in Green Bay, Wisconsin is a necessity to keeping nuisance wildlife under control. Most likely where your home or business is, one of their ancestors used to have a home. Even though humans won the award for smartest species, we still believe wildlife have their own place in this world as well. TitleTown Pest Pros uses Humane Live Trapping techniques to first trap what your dealing with, then relocates the animal to a new home.

Wildlife Control
Live Trapping
Wildlife Removal
Wildlife Cleanup
Wildlife Damage Repair
Wild Animal Exclusion
Insulation Replacement
Dead Animal Removal
Wildlife Relocation
Our Wildlife Services
Raccoon, Opossum, Bats, GroundHog/WoodChuck, Fox, and Snakes may be small, but can do serious damage to your property and health quickly.
I think an animal is living in my house, What should I do?
If your hearing noises at night in weird places of your house or all of a sudden have a big hole in the side of your house that didn't used to be there. You might have a new furry roommate that moved in. As cute as it may look though, we do not recommend you approach it. Wild animals can carry diseases, such as rabies that can be very harmful for your health. They often times also carry bugs like fleas with them and you don't want an outbreak of them in your house. Please call a professional like TitleTown Pest Pros and we can humanely trap and relocate them to a new home other then yours!
What are signs I have a Raccoon, Opossum, or Skunk living under my house.
If your hearing noises at night in weird places of your house or all of a sudden have a big hole in the side of your house that didn't used to be there. You might have a new furry roommate that moved in. As cute as it may look though, we do not recommend you approach it. Wild animals can carry diseases, such as rabies that can be very harmful for your health. They often times also carry bugs like fleas with them and you don't want an outbreak of them in your house. Please call a professional like TitleTown Pest Pros and we can humanely trap and relocate them to a new home other then yours!
How do I know if I have Bats in my attic?
A lot of times people confuse having bats in their attic for mice. They both make distinct noises however to tell them apart. A mouse or even squirrel in your attic is going to sound more like a scratching or light running. Bats however screech very loud, while using their special echo-location skill to see. They tend to be less destructive then mice, rats, or squirrels for structural purposes, but their fecal matter is highly toxic and a bat infestation left on-going can lead to having your whole attic needing to be reinsulated. There fecal ends up in many places of your attic, primarily under where they a nesting. They also attract bat bugs, which are bugs that look very similar to a bed bug and when they get over populated in your attic they can move down and start feeding on you. If your hearing screeching at night in your ceiling we recommend calling TitleTown Pest Pros for a full inspection of your attic as well as your exterior to pinpoint how they got in.
Can I legally trap an animal on my property?
As long as your using an ethical and humane way to take care of your wildlife problem, yes you can. Animals cannot be held in a live cage longer then 24 hours and any traps you set must be checked daily. If you end up trapping your own animal it is not advised to just go to another part of your yard however and release it. If you do not relocate the animal a good distance away it can very well come back. We do offer stand alone animal relocation services if you trap your own animal and release it ourselves with the various places we work with. Please reach out to our office if you have an animal you need relocated.
The TTLPP Guarantee:
30-Day Money Back Guarantee if problem is not solved
If pests return between regular on-going treatments, TitleTown Lawn & Pest Pros will return at no extra charge
If you are not satisfied with the service you receive don't pay,.. PERIOD

Our specialized IPM programs are 100% SAFE and 100% EFFECTIVE. Despite our profession we do still have a deep love for animals, so trapping and containment methods are used when possible. We also never expect you to have to touch your pest, live or dead. They will always be removed by TitleTown Lawn & Pest Pros and properly disposed of or released into their natural environment.
If you think you might be dealing with a rodent infestation in your home or business or want to prevent it before it starts, call TitleTown Lawn & Pest Pros today for your 100% FREE ESTIMATE.